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Monday, June 22, 2009


The Division of Veterinary Physiology had been formally established in 2000 with the joining of Dr. A. R. Nazki, Associate Professor as founder Faculty Member of the Division. At the time of establishment, the Division was in its infancy and grew by small leaps and bounds with gradual recruitments and strengthening of the divisional facilities. The Division of Veterinary Physiology has six sanctioned faculty positions viz. one Professor, two Associate Professors and three Assistant Professors. At present, there are four teachers (One professor, one Assoc. Prof. and two Asst. Prof.) in position. Posts of an Associate Professor and an Assistant Professor are lying vacant. Besides, six other sanctioned supporting staff viz. two Field cum Laboratory Assistants, one junior steno, one Computer Asstt. and two Laboratory Attendants are present. The posts of junior steno and one FCLA are presently vacant. Efforts are on to establish Reproductive Physiology and Radio-Nuclear Laboratories in near future.
1. Impart education and training to the undergraduate (B.V.Sc.) and postgraduate students in the basic and applied aspects of Veterinary Physiology.
2. Research is focused on:
* Studies on impact of environmental factors on animal health and production.
* Studies on impact of migration on health and production of migratory buffaloes, sheep and goat.
* Studies on the economic importance of migration in terms of nutrient utilization and net gains.
* Studies on the limitations imposed by high altitude on reproductive capacities of farm animals.
* Development and clinical use of early pregnancy diagnostic kits in farm animals.
3. Extension activities: To educate the farmers on various aspects of Reproductive and Environmental Physiology to augment production by manipulation of these factors
Research programs
1. “Electrocardiographic responses in rabbits under normal and stress conditions”
2. “Profiling of certain physiological, haematological and blood biochemical parameters in cross bred cattle with relation to season in Jammu region”.
Avenues for collaborative research with other interested institutions:
Services that can be offered by the Division:
Headed by
Dr. Ayaz Rasool Nazki, Professor
Phone No: +91-1923-250242
Fax: +91-1923-250639
E-mail : vetphysiol@yahoo.com


Dr. Ayaz Rasool Nazki, BVSc & AH, MVSc, PhD
Phone No: +91-191-2662712
Specialization in/ Research interests: Endocrinology & Reproductive Physiology
Research projects:
PG Students guided: 01 (pursuing MVSc)
Awards: Received 'Bharat Shiksha Rattan Award' and 'Sadiq Memorial Award'
Selected Publications:
1. Nazki, A.R. and P.J.S. Rattan. 1991. “Some Hormonal and Biochemical characteristics of blood in sheep as related to different seasonal environments:. Indian Vet. J.68:28 – 32.
2. Nazki, A.R. and P.J.S. Rattan. 1990. “Status of blood micro elements during different seasons in sheep. Indian Vet. J. 67 : 274 – 276.
3. Nazki, A.R. and P.J.S. Rattan. 1990. “Cardiorespiratory activities in ewes as related to different seasonal environments” Int. J. Anim. Sci. 5 : 89 – 92.
4. Nazki, A.R. F.A.Mattoo and M. Khan. 1988. “Haematological studies in Kashmir sheep: Effect of migration to highland pasture. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 58 : 1060 – 1062.
5. Nazki, A.R., S.P.S. Singha and P.J.S. Rattan. 1988. “Haematological and biochemical studies in sheep as related to different seasonal environments. J. Vety. Physiol. & Allied Sci. 7 : 15 – 22.
6. Singha, S.P.S., A.R.Nazki, S.P.S. Sodhi & P.J.S. Rattan. 1986. “Studies on the effect of seasonal environments on some of the plasma enzymes in ewes”. J.Vety. Physiol. & Allied Sci. 5: 39 – 42.
7. Nazki, A.R., S.P.S. Sodhi, and P.J.S. Rattan. 1986. “Effect of seasonal environments on the adrenal, cortical and thyroidal hormones in sheep”. Indian J.. Anim. Sci. 56 : 327 – 330.
8. Mir, S.A., A.R.Nazki., R. Raina. 2000 “Comparative electro cardiographic studies, and differing effects of pentazocine on ECG, heart and respiratory rates in young sheep and goats”. Small Ruminant Research 37: 13 – 17.
10. Ahmed, J.A., Nazki, A.R.; Nashiruddullah, N.; Iqbal, S. and Pampori, Z.A. (2009). Electrocardiographic observations in clinically healthy New Zealand white rabbits. Indian Journal Animal Physiology

Dr. Puspendra Saswat, BVSc & AH, MVSc
Associate Professor,
Phone No: +91-9419619663
Specialization in/ Research interests: Reproductive & Environmental Physiology
Research projects:
'Profiling of certain physiological, haematological and biochemical parameters in cross bred cattle with relation to season Jammu region'
PG Students guided: 01 (pursuing MVSc)
Selected Publications:
1. Mahapatra, P.S.; Nayak, N.R. and Mishra, M.S. 1992. Effect of storage on oxygen uptake of broiler semen. Orissa Vet.J.17 (2):116-119.
2. Mahapatra, P.S.; Mohanty, B.P.; Bisoi, P.C.; Mishra, S.C.; Nayak, N.R. and Mishra, M.S. 1994. Effect of storage on the physical and biochemical parameters of broiler semen. Ind. J.Poult.Sci.29 (2): 146-150.
3. Mahapatra, P.S. and Nayak, M.P.1996. Managemental practices in goat farming in Phulbani district of Orissa. Environment & Ecology.4 (1):67-70.
4. Mahapatra, P.S. and Nayak, G.D. 1996. Studies on growth in crossbred (Black Bengal x Ganjam) kids. Int.J.Anim.Sci.11:241-243.
5. Mahapatra, B.K.; Mahapatra, P.S. and Nayak, M.P. 1996. Attitude and knowledge level of dairy farmers on practices of artificial insemination. J.Extn.Edn.1 (1&2):101-103.
6. Panigrahi, B. and Mahapatra, P.S. 1997. Reproductive performance of local goats of Phulbani district of Orissa. Environment & Ecology. 15(2):463-465.
7. Mahapatra,P.S., Panigrahi, B., Sahoo, G. and Patra, G.J. 1997. Seasonal effect on incidence of estrus and birth weight in crossbred (Ganjam x Black Bengal) goats. Ind.J.Anim.Prodn. Mgmt. 13(3):220-222.
8. Das, K.C., Ali, A., Mahapatra, P.S., Malik, S. and Subudhi, P. K.2005. Performance of Broiler fed on Mixed Tree Leaves Meal. Ind. J. Anim. Nutrition. 22(2):
9. Panigrahi, B, Nayak, G.D. and Mahapatra, P.S. 2005. Effect of Type of Flooring on Growth of goats. Environment & Ecology. 23(spl-1):99-101.
10. Das, K.C., Rajkhowa, T.K., Sarma, K. and Mahapatra, P.S. 2008. Growth and Histo-pathological Changes in Broiler fed on Different Levels of Mixed Tree Leaves Meal. Ind. Vet. J. 85(6): 592-594.

Dr. Jonali Devi, BVSc & AH, MVSc
Assistant Professor

Dr. Jafrin Ara Ahmed, BVSc & AH, MVSc
Assistant Professor
Phone No: +91-9469211232
E-mail : jafrinahmed@rediffmail.com
Specialization in/ Research interests: Cardiology and Electrocardiography
Research projects: “Electrocardiographic studies in rabbits under normal and stress conditions”
PG Students guided: 01 (pursuing MVSc)
Selected Publications:
1. Ahmed, J.A.; Sanyal, S.; Das, P.J. and Bhattacharjya, M.K. (2002): Electrocardiographic observations in poultry birds. Journal of Interacademicia, 6(Spl.): 666-669.
2. Ahmed, J.A. (2003): Uses and abuses of oxytocin. The North-East Veterinarian, III(2): 10-12
3. Ahmed, J.A.; Sanyal, S.; Das, P.K. and Thakur, S.K. (2004): Electrocardiographic studies in horse. Indian Journal of Animal Health, 43(2): 122-126.
4. Bhattacharjya, M.K.; Banerjee, R.; Biswas, L. and Ahmed, J.A. (2003): Radiographic diagnosis of urolithiasis in female dog. Indian Veterinary Medical Journal, 27: 379.
5. Ahmed, J.A. and Sanyal, S. (2008): Electrocardiographic studies in Garol sheep and black Bengal goats. Research Journal of Cardiology. 1(1): 1-8.
6. Nashiruddullah, N.; Kamil, S.A. and Ahmed, J.A. (2009): Mitral valve bacterial endocarditis in a dog. Indian Jornal of Veterinary Pathology
7. Ahmed, J.A., Nazki, A.R.; Nashiruddullah, N.; Iqbal, S. and Pampori, Z.A. (2009). Electrocardiographic observations in clinically healthy New Zealand white rabbits. Indian Journal Animal Physiology

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