RANBIR SINGH PURA-181102, JAMMU & KASMIR, INDIA, +91-1923-250242
E-mail: vetfaculty_blogspot@rediffmail.com


The posts by the manager need not necessarily reflect the views of the administration although they are being monitored, scrutinized and edited regularly

Monday, June 22, 2009


The Division of Veterinary Physiology had been formally established in 2000 with the joining of Dr. A. R. Nazki, Associate Professor as founder Faculty Member of the Division. At the time of establishment, the Division was in its infancy and grew by small leaps and bounds with gradual recruitments and strengthening of the divisional facilities. The Division of Veterinary Physiology has six sanctioned faculty positions viz. one Professor, two Associate Professors and three Assistant Professors. At present, there are four teachers (One professor, one Assoc. Prof. and two Asst. Prof.) in position. Posts of an Associate Professor and an Assistant Professor are lying vacant. Besides, six other sanctioned supporting staff viz. two Field cum Laboratory Assistants, one junior steno, one Computer Asstt. and two Laboratory Attendants are present. The posts of junior steno and one FCLA are presently vacant. Efforts are on to establish Reproductive Physiology and Radio-Nuclear Laboratories in near future.
1. Impart education and training to the undergraduate (B.V.Sc.) and postgraduate students in the basic and applied aspects of Veterinary Physiology.
2. Research is focused on:
* Studies on impact of environmental factors on animal health and production.
* Studies on impact of migration on health and production of migratory buffaloes, sheep and goat.
* Studies on the economic importance of migration in terms of nutrient utilization and net gains.
* Studies on the limitations imposed by high altitude on reproductive capacities of farm animals.
* Development and clinical use of early pregnancy diagnostic kits in farm animals.
3. Extension activities: To educate the farmers on various aspects of Reproductive and Environmental Physiology to augment production by manipulation of these factors
Research programs
1. “Electrocardiographic responses in rabbits under normal and stress conditions”
2. “Profiling of certain physiological, haematological and blood biochemical parameters in cross bred cattle with relation to season in Jammu region”.
Avenues for collaborative research with other interested institutions:
Services that can be offered by the Division:
Headed by
Dr. Ayaz Rasool Nazki, Professor
Phone No: +91-1923-250242
Fax: +91-1923-250639
E-mail : vetphysiol@yahoo.com


Dr. Ayaz Rasool Nazki, BVSc & AH, MVSc, PhD
Phone No: +91-191-2662712
Specialization in/ Research interests: Endocrinology & Reproductive Physiology
Research projects:
PG Students guided: 01 (pursuing MVSc)
Awards: Received 'Bharat Shiksha Rattan Award' and 'Sadiq Memorial Award'
Selected Publications:
1. Nazki, A.R. and P.J.S. Rattan. 1991. “Some Hormonal and Biochemical characteristics of blood in sheep as related to different seasonal environments:. Indian Vet. J.68:28 – 32.
2. Nazki, A.R. and P.J.S. Rattan. 1990. “Status of blood micro elements during different seasons in sheep. Indian Vet. J. 67 : 274 – 276.
3. Nazki, A.R. and P.J.S. Rattan. 1990. “Cardiorespiratory activities in ewes as related to different seasonal environments” Int. J. Anim. Sci. 5 : 89 – 92.
4. Nazki, A.R. F.A.Mattoo and M. Khan. 1988. “Haematological studies in Kashmir sheep: Effect of migration to highland pasture. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 58 : 1060 – 1062.
5. Nazki, A.R., S.P.S. Singha and P.J.S. Rattan. 1988. “Haematological and biochemical studies in sheep as related to different seasonal environments. J. Vety. Physiol. & Allied Sci. 7 : 15 – 22.
6. Singha, S.P.S., A.R.Nazki, S.P.S. Sodhi & P.J.S. Rattan. 1986. “Studies on the effect of seasonal environments on some of the plasma enzymes in ewes”. J.Vety. Physiol. & Allied Sci. 5: 39 – 42.
7. Nazki, A.R., S.P.S. Sodhi, and P.J.S. Rattan. 1986. “Effect of seasonal environments on the adrenal, cortical and thyroidal hormones in sheep”. Indian J.. Anim. Sci. 56 : 327 – 330.
8. Mir, S.A., A.R.Nazki., R. Raina. 2000 “Comparative electro cardiographic studies, and differing effects of pentazocine on ECG, heart and respiratory rates in young sheep and goats”. Small Ruminant Research 37: 13 – 17.
10. Ahmed, J.A., Nazki, A.R.; Nashiruddullah, N.; Iqbal, S. and Pampori, Z.A. (2009). Electrocardiographic observations in clinically healthy New Zealand white rabbits. Indian Journal Animal Physiology

Dr. Puspendra Saswat, BVSc & AH, MVSc
Associate Professor,
Phone No: +91-9419619663
Specialization in/ Research interests: Reproductive & Environmental Physiology
Research projects:
'Profiling of certain physiological, haematological and biochemical parameters in cross bred cattle with relation to season Jammu region'
PG Students guided: 01 (pursuing MVSc)
Selected Publications:
1. Mahapatra, P.S.; Nayak, N.R. and Mishra, M.S. 1992. Effect of storage on oxygen uptake of broiler semen. Orissa Vet.J.17 (2):116-119.
2. Mahapatra, P.S.; Mohanty, B.P.; Bisoi, P.C.; Mishra, S.C.; Nayak, N.R. and Mishra, M.S. 1994. Effect of storage on the physical and biochemical parameters of broiler semen. Ind. J.Poult.Sci.29 (2): 146-150.
3. Mahapatra, P.S. and Nayak, M.P.1996. Managemental practices in goat farming in Phulbani district of Orissa. Environment & Ecology.4 (1):67-70.
4. Mahapatra, P.S. and Nayak, G.D. 1996. Studies on growth in crossbred (Black Bengal x Ganjam) kids. Int.J.Anim.Sci.11:241-243.
5. Mahapatra, B.K.; Mahapatra, P.S. and Nayak, M.P. 1996. Attitude and knowledge level of dairy farmers on practices of artificial insemination. J.Extn.Edn.1 (1&2):101-103.
6. Panigrahi, B. and Mahapatra, P.S. 1997. Reproductive performance of local goats of Phulbani district of Orissa. Environment & Ecology. 15(2):463-465.
7. Mahapatra,P.S., Panigrahi, B., Sahoo, G. and Patra, G.J. 1997. Seasonal effect on incidence of estrus and birth weight in crossbred (Ganjam x Black Bengal) goats. Ind.J.Anim.Prodn. Mgmt. 13(3):220-222.
8. Das, K.C., Ali, A., Mahapatra, P.S., Malik, S. and Subudhi, P. K.2005. Performance of Broiler fed on Mixed Tree Leaves Meal. Ind. J. Anim. Nutrition. 22(2):
9. Panigrahi, B, Nayak, G.D. and Mahapatra, P.S. 2005. Effect of Type of Flooring on Growth of goats. Environment & Ecology. 23(spl-1):99-101.
10. Das, K.C., Rajkhowa, T.K., Sarma, K. and Mahapatra, P.S. 2008. Growth and Histo-pathological Changes in Broiler fed on Different Levels of Mixed Tree Leaves Meal. Ind. Vet. J. 85(6): 592-594.

Dr. Jonali Devi, BVSc & AH, MVSc
Assistant Professor

Dr. Jafrin Ara Ahmed, BVSc & AH, MVSc
Assistant Professor
Phone No: +91-9469211232
E-mail : jafrinahmed@rediffmail.com
Specialization in/ Research interests: Cardiology and Electrocardiography
Research projects: “Electrocardiographic studies in rabbits under normal and stress conditions”
PG Students guided: 01 (pursuing MVSc)
Selected Publications:
1. Ahmed, J.A.; Sanyal, S.; Das, P.J. and Bhattacharjya, M.K. (2002): Electrocardiographic observations in poultry birds. Journal of Interacademicia, 6(Spl.): 666-669.
2. Ahmed, J.A. (2003): Uses and abuses of oxytocin. The North-East Veterinarian, III(2): 10-12
3. Ahmed, J.A.; Sanyal, S.; Das, P.K. and Thakur, S.K. (2004): Electrocardiographic studies in horse. Indian Journal of Animal Health, 43(2): 122-126.
4. Bhattacharjya, M.K.; Banerjee, R.; Biswas, L. and Ahmed, J.A. (2003): Radiographic diagnosis of urolithiasis in female dog. Indian Veterinary Medical Journal, 27: 379.
5. Ahmed, J.A. and Sanyal, S. (2008): Electrocardiographic studies in Garol sheep and black Bengal goats. Research Journal of Cardiology. 1(1): 1-8.
6. Nashiruddullah, N.; Kamil, S.A. and Ahmed, J.A. (2009): Mitral valve bacterial endocarditis in a dog. Indian Jornal of Veterinary Pathology
7. Ahmed, J.A., Nazki, A.R.; Nashiruddullah, N.; Iqbal, S. and Pampori, Z.A. (2009). Electrocardiographic observations in clinically healthy New Zealand white rabbits. Indian Journal Animal Physiology


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The department of Vety. Surgery & Radiology was started in April 1996 after the deputation of Dr.M.M.S.Zama from F.V.Sc & A.H, Srinagar to permanent wing of-F.V.Sc & A.H, R.S.Pura . Thereafter, Dr. Hans Raj Bhardwaj joined as Assistant Professor in the year 1998. The full fledged division came into existence in the year 2001 after fresh recruitment of teachers in this discipline. The division started with one small animal laboratory in the beginning and two rooms for its teaching staff.
By Feb 2007 the division was shifted to veterinary referral hospital complex building. Step by step the division got sufficient space for laboratories and procured equipments and instruments for teaching and research. Some major equipments like hydraulic operation tables and for small and large animals, anaesthetic machine, blood gas analyzer, diathermy, acupuncture scope, portable X-ray machine and ECG have been procured by the division.
a) Teaching veterinary Surgery and Radiology to B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc. and Ph. D students.
b) Research in frontline areas of veterinary sciences in relation to Veterinary Surgery and Radiology as per the need of the nation in general and Jammu and Kashmir in particular.
c) Extension activities – transfer of the research outcome to line departments and imparting training to field veterinarians.
Key Events: XXXI Annual congress of Indian Society for Vety. Surgery & Radiology and National Symposium on “Rehabilitation of Vety. Surgical Patients” was organized from 27-09 Oct 2007.
Research Programs:
1. Endoscopic and ultrasound guided biopsy techniques of different organs in farm and pet animals. (University funded)
2. Isolation and characterization of equine myogenic satellite cells (externally funded)
Avenues for collaborative research with other interested institutions:
Student collaboration for M.V.Sc and Ph.D. degree from other institutions
Services that can be offered by the Division:
Consultancy regarding treatment of veterinary surgical patients
Headed by
Dr. H.R.Bhardwaj, Associate Professor
Phone No: +91-1923-250242/ 250920
Fax: +91-1923-250639

Dr. Hans Raj Bhardwaj, BVSc & AH, MVSc, PhD
Associate Professor
Specialization in/ Research interests: Large animal abdominal surgery and small animal anaesthesia
Research projects: Studies on pre- and post- operative haemato- biochemical, blood gas and plasma mineral status in cows with intestinal obstruction.
PG Students guided:01 (MVSc)
Awards: Gold Medal inPoster presentation at XXXII ISVS conference held at Namakkal, Tamilnadu in Nov 2008 for 'Management of umbilical hernia with prolene mesh in a calf'
Selected Publications:
1. H.R.Bhardwaj, Amarpal, Singh, G.R and Varshney, V. P (2001). Modification of surgery induced neuroendocrine response by epidural ketamine in dogs. Indian J. Anim. Sci. 71(6):537-539.
2. H.R.Bhardwaj and Amarpal (2001).Utility of combined epidural and general anaesthesia in dogs. Indian Vet. J.25:375-376.
3. H.R.Bhardwaj., Bhadwal, M. S. and Zama M. M. S. (2000).Surgical management of omasal hernia with fistulation in a crossbred bullock. Indian J. Vet .Surg.21 (1):60.
4. H.R.Bhardwaj, Amarpal, Singh, G.R and Aithial H.P. (2002). Comparison of preemptive analgesia with epidural pethidine and ketamine for the postoperative pain in dogs. Indian Vet. J 79: 1059-1062.
5. H.R.Bhardwaj, Amarpal, Singh, G.R and Aithial H.P. (2000).Postoperative pain management in dogs. Efficacy of preemptive analgesia with lignocaine and ketamine. Indian J. Anim. Sci.70 (40): 362-365.
6. H.R.Bhardwaj, Amarpal, Singh, G.R and Aithal H.P (1999). Role of preemptive epidural analgesia with lignocaine and pethidine in management of postoperative inflammation and pain in dogs. Indian J. Vet. Surg. 20(2):70-74.
7. H.R.Bhardwaj, Amarpal, Singh, G.R and Varshney, V. P (1997). Preemptive analgesia with epidural lignocaine and ketamine in management of postoperative pain and stress in dogs.Indian J. Vet. Surg 20(2) :70-74.
8. Anoop Sahu, P.D. Sharma, H.R.Bhardwaj, and S.M Behl (2005) Cecal impaction in a buffalo.Indian Vet J .82:890-891.
9. H.R.Bhardwaj, Amarpal, Singh, G.R and Aithal H.P (1997) Epidural lignocaine and ketamine along with thiopental anaesthesia for tibial fracture in dogs. Paper presented during XXI Annual convention of ISVS, held at Palampur (H.P), October, 17-19, 1997.
10. H.R.Bhardwaj and P.K.Peshin (2007) Blood and rumen fluid histamine status in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) suffering from traumatic reticuloperitonitis and its clinical management. Indian J. Vet. Surgery 28(2):85-89.

Dr. Naresh Kumar Singh, BVSc, MVSc, PhD, PDF
Assistant Professor
Specialization in/ Research interests: Large Cartilage regeneration, molecular orthopaedics and stem cell culture, Tran-differentiation and proteomics, Pain management.
Research Projects: 1. 'Isolation and characterization of equine myogenic satellite cells' funded by Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. Of India, New Delhi. 2. 'Establishment of haematopoitic stem cells for joint diseases in equines'- International collaboration and funded by Govt. of South Korea.
PG Students guided:Nil
Awards: 1. Post-doctoral fellow award was honoured in recognition to contribution in stem cell culture and proteomics (2005-2007) by NLRI, Suwon, Republic of Korea. 2. Best researcher award for the year 2006 was honoured for excellence in research on transdifferentiation of satellite cells by NLRI, Suwon, Republic of Korea. 3. Excellent presentation award in recognition of excellent presentation of scientific paper at XIIth AAAP Animal science congress held at Bexco, Busan, Republic of Korea , September 22, 2006. 4. Award of member of national academy of veterinary sciences (INDIA), honoured in recognition of significant contribution for the advancement of veterinary sciences for the year 2008-2009.
Selected Publications:
1. Myogenic satellite cells and its application in animals- a review N. K. Singh., D.K. Jeong, H.J. Lee, H.S. Arun, L. Sharma and I.H. Hwang Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 2009 (in press).
2. Articular cartilage repair under the influence of Insulin like growth factor-1 with and autografting in rabbits N.K.Singh., G.R.Singh., Amarpal., P.Kinjavdekar., A.K.Sharma., T.R. Mohanty., S.Kumar., H.S.Chae., Y.M. Yoo and C.N. Ahn. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med. 2007 May; 54(4): 210-8.
3. Transdifferentiation of Porcine satellite cells to adipoblasts with ciglitizone. N.K. Singh, H.S. Chae, I.H. Hwang, Y.M. Yoo, C.N. Ahn, S.H. Lee, H.J. Lee, H.J. Park and H.Y. Chung Am. J. Anim Sci. 2007; 85: 1126-1135.
4. 2, 4-thiazolidindion induced plasticity of myoblast (C2C12) and satellite cells (porcine) - A comparative study. N.K. Singh, H.S. Chae, I.H. Hwang, Y.M. Yoo, C.N. Ahn, H.J. Lee, H.J. Park and H.Y. Chung. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 1115-1119, 2007
5. Escherichia coli neutralization with egg yolk antibodies (IgY) produced and characterized under the influence of different antigenic fractions of O157:H7 H. S. Chae, N. K. Singh., J. N. Ahn, Y. M. Yoo, S. G. Jeong, J. S. Ham andD. W. Kim. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 19 No. 11: 1665, 2006.
6. Conversion of C2C12 myoblast into adipoblast with Thiazolidenediones-basis for IMF generations. 2007. N.K. Singh, H.S. Chae, I.H. Hwang, Y.M. Yoo, C.N. Ahn, H.J. Lee, H.J. Park and H.Y. Chung. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 20 (3): 432-439, 2007.
7. Evaluation of epidural xylazine and ketamine for the management of post-traumatic pain in goats. N.K.Singh., P.Kinjavdekar., Amarpal., G.R.Singh. and K. Pratap- Indian Journal of veterinary surgery. 22 (2): 73-78, December 2001.
8. Influence of epidural analgesics on plasma glucose and insulin in arthritic goats. N.K.Singh., P.Kinjavdekar., Amarpal., G.R.Singh. and K. Pratap- Indian Journal of veterinary surgery. 23 (1): 37-38, June 2002 .
9. Evaluation of xylazine-ketamine and buprenorphine for post traumatic pain management in goats. N.K.Singh., P.Kinjavdekar., Amarpal and G.R.Singh. Indian J Vet Surg. (2): 61-66, June, 2009.
10. A note on equine enterolithiasis of Jammu region. N.K. Singh, A.K. Gupta, T.R. Mohanty and N. Pareek (2005). Ind. Vet. J.82:73-74.

Dr. Ankur Sharma, BVSc & AH, MVSc
Assistant Professor
Specialization in/ Research interests: Canine oncology
Selected Publications:
1. Upadhye, S.V., Dhakate, M.S., Fiske,G., Ankur Sharma, Dhoot,V.M., Dakshinkar, N.P., Panchbhai,V.S., Gahlod,B.M. and Kamble, M. (2008) Primary Extragenital Transmissible Tumor in dog- A report. Royal Veterinary Journal Vol. 4(2): 54.
2. Upadhye, S.V., Smitha Pillai, Panchbhai,V.S., Dhakate, M.S., Gahlod,B.M., Patil, S.N., Raghuwanshi,D.S. and Ankur Sharma (2008) Ventro lateral abdominal hernia of gravid uterus in a goat. Royal Veterinary Journal Vol. 4(1): 15.
3. Ankur Sharma (2008) Puppy Care, Daily Excelsior, Sunday, August 31.
4. Gahlod,B.M., Raut,B.M., Raghuwanshi,D.S., Dhakate M.S., Upadhye, S.V., Ankur Sharma and Wankheded,P.R. (2008):Congenital Umbilical defect in a kid with intestinal evisceration. Veterinary World, 1 (5) 147.
5. Upadhye, S.V., Smitha Pillai, Panchbhai,V.S., Patil, S.N., Dhakate, M.S., Gahlod,B.M. and Ankur Sharma (2007): Oestogenic sarcoma in a Pomeranian Dog- A Case Report. Royal Veterinary Journal Vol. 3(1): 24-26.
6. Smitha Pillai, Upadhye, S.V.,Dhoot,V.M.,Deshmukh,A.D., Panchbhai,S.V., Patil, S.N., Dhakate, M.S., Gahlod,B.M. and Ankur Sharma (2006): Mandible Fracture Repair by Intramedullary Pinning in a Cross Bred Cow. J.Bombay Vet. Coll. 14 (1 and 2): 124-125.
7. Upadhye, S.V., Smitha Pillai, Panchbhai,V.S., Patil, S.N., Dhakate, M.S., Dhoot,V.M., Ankur Sharma and Gadmade,A.S.(2006) : Surgical Retrieval of a Sewing needle from Stomach of a Dog. J.Bombay Vet. Coll. 14 (1 and 2): 154.
8. Khanvilkar, A.V., Kulkarni, M.D. and Ankur Sharma (September 2005): Yak- The Himalayan dweller. Pashudhan Pg.3, 5.
9. Khanvilkar, A.V., Kulkarni, M.D., Ladukar, O.N. and Ankur Sharma (May 2005): The largest domestic Animal on the Earth, ‘The Elephant’ Veterinary World, 3 (9) 26-30.

Dr. Dinesh Kumar Dwivedi, BVSc & AH, MVSc
Assistant Professor
Specialization in/ Research interests: Veterinary Orthopaedics
Awards: Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Selected Publications:
1. T. Ganesh; D.K.Dwivedi, H. Pushkinraj; K.V. Syam, C.Ramani, R. Jayaprakash & K. Amurjan. Surgical management of fracture of femur in a dog. Indian J.Vet.Surg.25(1): June 2004.
2. D.K.Dwivedi. Compound fracture in dogs and their management using circular external skeletal fixator. Indian J.Vet. Surg.26(1) June 2005.
3. C. Ramani, T. Ganesh; D.K.Dwivedi, H. Pushkinraj; P.Arun & K. Amurjan. Surgical management of fractures involving the rostal third of mandible –a review of four cases. Indian J.Vet. Surg.24(2). December 2003.
4. D.K.Dwivedi. Fracture management in dogs using ***technique. 9th march 2004, Dainik Jagran.
5. D.K.Dwivedi, T.N.Ganesh, K.Amurjan & Geeta Ramesh. Management of compound fracture of radius –ulna and tibia-fibula using *** ring fixator in dogs. Indian J.Vet.Surg.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


The 9th Academic Council Meet was held in the University Headquarter at Chatha on 12th June'09. The meeting was chaired by Dr. B. Mishra, H'ble Vice-Chancellor. In his introductory remarks, the Chairman stressed the need for inter-institutional collaborative research and raised other key issues pertaining to academics, research and extension services of the university. The house was also briefed on certain salient features of Vice Chancellors Meet and Dean's Committee held in the recent past elsewhere. Prominent members of the Statuatory board included Registrar and Directors of Resident Instruction & Post-Graduate Studies/ Extension, Officers of the University, Heads of Divisions, etc.
The various proposals passed from the board of under-graduate and post-graduate studies, board of faculties and other statuatory boards were discussed. There was a pressing need for change in the academic curriculum in the light of various changes proposed by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. The house unanimously resolved to implement the proposed changes at once. The need for infrastructural changes and revision in the academic machinery was soon to be assessed, evaluated and adopted.
The house also resolved to start Ph.D. program in the discipline of Veterinary Pathology.
Pending cases have been deffered to the next Academic Council meet for discussion. It was also decided that such board meets would be held quarterly to keep abreast of changing and demanding academic scenario of the university.
For a revised veterinary post-graduate curriculum and syllabi (suggested by Education Division, ICAR) click below:

Thursday, June 11, 2009


A pre-academic council meeting was called on 8th June 2009 in the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry. The Meeting was chaired and briefed by the I/C Dean, Prof. S.K. Gupta. Agenda items forwarded from various statuatory bodies at the faculty and university level were also reviewed during the meet. The Academic Council Meeting is scheduled to be held at the University HQ on 12 June 2009.

Monday, June 1, 2009


The 4th meeting of the 'Faculty of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry' was held on 1st June in the faculty premises. Chaired by the Dr. A.R. Nazki, Dean of the Faculty, other special invitees and key members were Director of Resident Instruction and Dean Post-graduate studies, Director of Research, and Director of Extension of the University. Dr. M.A. Kirmani, Dean, Veterinary Faculty, was was guest invitee from SKUAST-Kashmir.
Minutes of the previous meet were confirmed and agenda items presented by the members and those approved in the Board of studies meet (both undergraduate and postgraduate) were discussed.
Amidst rigorous brainstorming and debate, a wide array of issues pertaining academic, administrative and social activities were discussed. Salient issues included- adoption of revised veterinary curriculum for BVSc & AH program including development and restructuring of existing infrastructure, involvement of Teaching Veterinary Clinics faculty in UG and PG academics (both Theory and Practical), upgradation of teaching facilities and introduction of AUDIO-VISUAL aids, upgrading sports facilities/ recreation centers, filling up vacant posts in the faculty to cope with the additional mandate of research and extension apart from academics.
Some key issues resolved are likely to be put before the "Academic Council" for approval and adoption.